Sunday, May 29, 2011

Stationery card

Square Noir Collage Birth Announcement
Personalize your announcements with Shutterfly.
View the entire collection of cards.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Home again, home again...jiggity jig!

Well, Lily is home once again!  This post will not be long, but I wanted to personally thank everyone for their prayers and well wishes.  Although they do not know exactly what the problem is, they are leaning toward it being a problem with Lily's formula.  Last night went well at home and today is going well, too.  We are so very thankful to all of you for joining us on this journey.

Blessings, Nicole

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Importance of Family

In just a few short weeks, our family has become complete as Lily and Chloe have come into our lives.  I have been saying over and over that our family will be complete when Lily comes home.  I realized recently that I was wrong.  Our family is already complete.

We spent Easter with Lily still in the hospital, but made the best of it by dressing her up and taking pictures with her.  Jan and Melissa even gave the girls beautiful Easter baskets.  Even though it wasn't the Easter I pictured in my mind, we still got to enjoy time with our girls.  I think it is all about reframing.  I have learned that often, I have these ideas in my head about the way things "should be" and when they don't work out as planned I am disappointed.  I also miss out on opportunities because I am disappointed.  I am trying to enjoy every minute, no matter where it is.  Below are two pictures we took of the girls this Easter.  They are absolutely precious!

Lily was released from the hospital last Friday and as you can imagine, we were overjoyed.  It was like a dream come true to have all of us together.  I couldn't wait to put the girls together and take their picture!

Unfortunately, our happiness was short-lived.  Lily got very sick over the weekend.  She slept a lot and then refused to eat.  After that, she began vomiting.  Brice took her to the emergency room and she was then transported back to our original hospital.  It was absolutely heart-breaking.  It hurt to see her in that much pain and it was like our family was ripped apart.  Again, this is all about reframing.  Our family is still very much together.  Yes, this is a huge setback, but feel confident they will determine what the problem is.  I am happy to say she is no longer vomiting and is taking formula again.  We just need to determine how this happened in the first place.  We LOVE our girls and would do anything for them.  As we head toward Mother's Day (my first one) I am appreciative just to be a mother.  My daddy always told me "this too shall pass" and I know in my heart this is true.  It's hard to stay positive when I just want to break down and cry, but the girls need our strength and faith.  I believe we have many more adventures ahead and when I hold them in my arms, I know I am blessed just to be a mom.