Friday, November 18, 2011


Today all that we had been dreaming of became a reality.  We finalized our adoption in court and our two precious babies became ours forever.  I'll admit, I have been really on edge lately leading up to this.  So many people have told me that this was meant to be, but I have still always had that nagging voice in the back of my head telling me something could go wrong.  I don't know whether I have just waited so long for this moment that I was preparing myself in case I had to face disappointment, but that never happened.  We walked into the courtroom and within 20 minutes they were ours.  That quick.  I didn't even have time to cry...okay that's not true.  Since I'm totally honest with all of you who read this I'll tell you the truth.  When the attorney said to me, "You do understand this decision is forever?" I could barely speak.  I was choking back tears.  I wanted to remain so composed in the courtroom, but this warm wash of emotion covered me like a blanket and it was as if I was replaying the last nine months like a movie in my head.  Here I am holding this precious baby and someone is validating for me that this really is forever.

Forever, like no one can take them away, forever, like even though the ups and downs in our past and in our future, this still is forever and cannot be changed.  It is both overwhelming and life changing.  This has been both the most difficult and most rewarding nine months of my life and although I doubt I will ever want to go through the adoption process again, I would wholeheartedly encourage anyone who has the desire to be a parent to consider adoption.  I truly never saw myself in this place, but life is a mysterious, beautiful thing and we never know what is waiting for us around the corner.  I know in my heart that this was God's plan for us all along.  He chose these two beautiful children to be a part of our lives and the neat thing is, I believe he chose them for many of you who are reading this, as well.  I laughed with someone the other day that Lily and Chloe live with us, but are being raised by a village.  Not only do they have grandparents, they probably have the largest supply of "aunts and uncles" that I know. 

And that is where you, my dear friends, come in.  You have made this possible just by being there for us.  To those who turned our house upside down to create a beautiful shower for us after the girls were born, to those who actually drove to Beaumont to be with us in the NICU, and those who have just stopped by to say hello, it has truly meant more than you'll ever know.

Many blessings to each of you!

Love always, Nicole, Brice, Lily, and Chloe