Friday, December 23, 2011

Christmas Blessings

Christmas is just two days away and I can't believe these months went by so fast.  I don't get to post as often as I'd like because at 10 months, the girls are tag-teaming me more than they used to.  They are crawling everywhere (in two different directions) and pulling up on everything.  They love to walk with anyone who will hold both their hands and help them and they giggle...a lot!
Chloe can't stop giggling!

We've met Santa twice.  Once at their friend Cosette's birthday and then the next weekend when Santa happened to stop by at the rec center across from our house.  They handled it well both times, as you can see:

Santa even read "Twas the Night Before Christmas" to all the children and both girls listened intently.  This is Lily totally focused on Santa.

We also took the girls to the Houston Symphony.  It was wonderful.  They loved the music, the reading, and the sing-a-long with Santa. 

This year has brought so many changes in our lives.  It's been hard because we can no longer just run out and meet friends like we used to.  We were previously involved in theatre, but can't either do or see much of it anymore.  I hope people know that we still care about them and have them in our hearts, even though our lives now involve most weekends spent home as a family.  It's funny.  I thought I'd miss it, but I don't.  What we've gained this year is a family.  Our love and faith is stronger now than ever.  These two precious girls were brought to us and I don't want to miss a day of their lives.  I love watching them grow and change and love seeing their personalities emerge. 

It is my true hope that we will be role models to them and will raise them in a loving family environment.  I hope to encourage them to have a healthy self esteem and self worth and to show kindness to others.  That's one thing my mom always encouraged-kindness to others.  I get hurt sometimes, but I always try to look for the good in others and never rush to judgment, no matter what the case may be.  I want my girls to be the same way  I hope they look out for each other and are each others best friend and always look for the good in each person they meet.
And they're off!!!

I thank all of you who read this blog.  I don't get to write as much as I'd like, but I hope that my words will help someone one day who is the parent of twins, is adopting, has a preemie and has to deal with the NICU, or just simply offer some words of encouragement.  We have been blessed by incredible family and friends who support us.  I can send out a message needing words of advice and three people will answer me right away.  That gift of friendship is the greatest gift anyone could give us.  Christmas blessings to all of you who lift us up and give us strength.  May you be blessed this season and in the upcoming year, as well. we come!
Brice, Nicole, Lily, and Chloe