Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Movin on Up!

Yesterday, Lily moved "up" to the 8th floor.  This is a big deal because that is the floor Chloe was on before she went home.  It is the less critical floor.  Lily has her own private room and it is MUCH quieter up there.  On the 7th floor NICU where the more critical babies are, there are approximately eight babies in a "pod." It was a big open room with cribs, isolettes, and "tarmacs" so the nurses could get to the babies quicker in case of distress.  Imagine how loud it was in there...monitors beeping constantly, babies screaming...I seriously don't know how she slept through all of that, but my guess is that she just felt so icky that all she wanted to do is sleep.  This is how Lily looked yesterday in her new room.

I have been accepted as a contributing writer for Yahoo and I think the first story I am going to write is going to be about navigating the NICU.  There is no way you can even imagine what you are up against until you actually experience it.  I've said before, it's like this secret society that nobody wants to join, but when forced to be in the NICU, you bond with other parents who are in there for the sheer fact that they are the only other people in the world who understand your frustration.  I was fortunate to be on 7th with another mom who had twin boys born on the same day as Lily and Chloe.  She also had one home and one at the hospital so we were able to share how we felt about not having the twins home together.  I just can't wait to have Lily and Chloe side by side!  I have two special friends, one from high school and one from college, (Lisa and Laura-this is for you!) who have been sending me messages of support.  Both had twin girls in the NICU and have coached me through this.  I am so very appreciative to them. 

Lily just before feeding a few days ago

Lily just got moved last night and already her doctor has contacted me to let me know how she is doing today.  That was amazing and what's even more amazing is she was assigned the same doctor that Chloe had.  Without naming names, let me tell you, she rocks! I was having a particularly stressful day when both girls were in the hospital so she took me through a private exit door so I could see these beautiful floor to ceiling glass windows that overlooked the zoo.  We could see the giraffes out that day along with other areas.  We were just squealing with delight and other doctors and nurses kept stopping by to look with us.  It was just like being back in elementary school and taking a field trip, if only temporarily.  It is that kind of personal attention from special doctors and nurses that go the extra mile to take care of us that really keeps us sane. 

Chloe is doing amazingly well.  She is growing by leaps and bounds and already weighs 8 lbs 3 oz. and is 21 inches long.  She looks like a healthy newborn baby and has come so far since birth.  I'll leave you with a recent picture of our darling Chloe.  Thank you so much for being a part of our lives. Your support means so much to us!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the update. Praying that your girls will both be together at home soon!
