Saturday, March 12, 2011

Grandpa Ben, Nana, Uncles and Aunts come to visit!

My dad and my stepmother Diane visited the girls.  Dad got to hold Chloe.  She snuggled in his arms and was so comfy.  He said the girls looked like the little doll I had as a child.

Sam and Melissa visited the girls this week.  Melissa had already met the girls in Port Arthur, but Sam saw them for the first time.  For some reason, even though he is the "loud man," they were calmed by his presence.
Next to visit was Uncle Carter, my brother.  He saw both girls and also held Chloe.  Chloe gets to be held by visitors a lot, but to be fair, Lily still has her IV and a lot of lines hooked up so it is harder to hold her and feel comfortable.  She loves to be held, though, and gets a lot of attention from mom, dad, and Nanu.  Carter thought the girls looked great.
Finally, Uncle Thomas got to met the girls.  There is a running joke in the NICU that the girls sure have a lot of "uncles and aunts."  That's okay.  If it takes a village to raise a child, we're going to need a metropolitan city.  The girls love to be held and loved.  Thomas took lots of pictures and spent time talking to the girls and telling them stories.  They both loved it!
We are so blessed by so many friends and family.  It is going to be hard when one comes home and one is still in the hospital, but I know Lily will still have lots of visitors and people to love her as she gets stronger each day.

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