Thursday, March 3, 2011

Home Sweet Home...Sort Of

On Sunday, February 26, Kerry came to visit.  She was in town to see her dad so she stopped by the hospital to meet Lily and Chloe.  She was able to hold Chloe, who slept snugly through the whole visit.

On Monday around 11 a.m. as I was feeding Chloe, our doctor told me she decided it was best to send the girls to Children's Memorial Hermann so the specialists there could determine what was going on with Lily.  She was able to get them to accept Chloe, too, since it would be difficult to have the girls in two different cities.  While we were thrilled to be going home, we had mixed emotions because the reason we were leaving was that Lily needed additional help.  I had about two hours to run to the hotel, throw everything in the car, and run back to the hospital to be there in time for the transport. 

The transport team arrived from Children's Memorial Hermann and packed the girls snugly into their transport isolettes.  Lily even got to wear her cool pink hat for the journey!

Chloe slept soundly through the ride and got to wear her custom hat, too!

Our wonderful doctor supervised the load in of the transport.  It was very hard to leave her and the nursing team.  They gave us such personal care and support.

Lily is ready for her trip.

I followed behind the ambulance on the way to Houston.  They went a lot faster than I expected and I lost them at one point (probably because I was so flustered and went the wrong way on I-10)  but I caught up with them in Houston.

Chloe settled into her room nicely.  She was given a private room and a crib on a separate floor from her sister.  The NICU pod Chloe is in is for less critical patients.  The room is really nice and even has a couch that folds out into a bed.  I tried to take a nap on it, but the beeping from the monitors kept waking me up.

Lily is snuggled soundly in my arms for the evening.  She looks good, but it is so frustrating that we can't figure out what is wrong with her tummy.  I hope the specialists will figure it out soon.

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