Monday, February 14, 2011

A Breath of Fresh Air!

Sunday brought great news.  Both girls were breathing on their own so they were no longer intibated and we could touch them again...woo hoo!  Chloe even started sucking on a pacifier.  They still had their central lines in, but since they were not sedated, they began opening their eyes and really responding. 
 Pretty Chloe
Lily gets her "tanning blanket"

In another new development, the girls got "tanning blankets" which are technically referred to as bilirubin blankets to help with jaundice.  It is just like getting direct exposure to the sun.  The jaundice is minimal, but it will also help to keep it at bay.

Our birthmom got discharged from the hospital today.  I think she is one of the most courageous women I have ever met because she chose adoption for her two little girls.  I cannot imagine how difficult it must have been to go home and leave those sweet babies in the NICU.  I truly hope she knows that Brice and I will love them as if they were our natural children and that they will always know how much she loved them.  She wrote them a very special letter which we will share with them when they are older.

We took CPR clases today.  I had a bit of a panic attack when I couldn't find the baby's mouth to blow a breath in.  That's just sad.  I am happy to say I was able to locate the mouth on the baby and give appropriate breaths and chest compressions.  Brice, of course, did it perfectly the first time.

Finally we got to go back and see the girls and they were alert and ready to see us.  We also got more good news that they were doing so well that they might no longer have their belly line in and be moved to their "big girl" incubator beds.  Brice and I have started singing to them.  He sings lullabys.  The only thing I could come up with was a song from an Italian operetta or songs from the musical Titanic.  I need to add some new songs to my repertoire.

Below are some pictures of Lily and Chloe on Sunday evening.  They absolutely look like little dolls!
 Lily squints in the light
 Chloe says "Hello World"
 Chloe sucking on a pacifier
Lily loves to hold hands
Sweet Lily looking at me and squeezing my finger

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